My Prayer Corner

My Prayer Corner
its not a shrine...just a reminder for prayer

About Me

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again...

Its been a while since I've written anything. Sorry to those of you who actually read this! I'm mostly writing a blog to keep friends and prayer people updated, but also to reflect on my sabbatical experiences.

Things have been difficult these past few weeks, and that's usually when I shy away from being reflective. There are just some things I don't want to remember. But, sadly, that is when I most need to be in conversation with God. So, I have been keeping God in the periphery...but I think I am finally ready to stop crowding him out. Pray for me!

Other than these more internal and private thoughts, I have much to share, but I will make it brief, I promise!

My father is healing well. His blood pressure continues to be too low, at one point it was down to 60/40 and he shouldn't have been conscious, but he was. But there have been other positive healing signs such as being able to get out of bed, shower, and get in and out of chairs alone. Praise God.

While with my dad, I missed the first week of my seminary classes and so I have had much too much reading to do, 120+ pages/day. I am finally caught up...but next week is midterms! Ack. But I am loving my Old Testament class on the Prophets and the Psalms. In particular I was struck this morning as my professor spoke from Habakkuk and how what it means to be the people of "Israel" is to "wrestle" with God when questions, fears, doubts arise. Habakkuk lived during a time where the Israelites very notion of God was rocked to its foundation and they were left floundering. But he wrestled and came out trusting in a clearer vision of God than ever before.

I'm also taking Systematic Theology. I was very challenged to recently write a paper regarding my own theological method -- I wasn't aware that I had one until I wrote a paper about it! And, lastly I am taking a Church History class...which at first I thought I would not like since I have little interest in American history or philosophy. But, as it turns out it is quite fascinating and I understand more and more the debates that continue to happen on a national level about the meaning of freedom, the foundations of the country, and church and state. Now...if I can just remember all that stuff until next week. :)

Thanks for all your prayers and help over the past few weeks. I'm also happy to report that our staff team participated in an evangelistic outreach at Clarion University where over 70 students responded over the week to the gospel! God be praised. And very beautifully, the conversations had were across academic disciplines, religions, and race.

We have also hired a new staff onto our team: Amy Costello from MI. More about her later.


Peter Venable said...

We just finished a 3-week (1 hour/week) study of Habakkuk ("Adult Ed" Sunday mornings at Ascension). What a great book!

Kristine said...

Good to hear from you! I'm always checking in on you. Praying for!