My Prayer Corner

My Prayer Corner
its not a shrine...just a reminder for prayer

About Me

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Monday, January 8, 2007

Day 1, The Sabbatical Begins

I have a dusty prayer corner in my bedroom filled with things that help me to focus on God...when used, of course. A picture of the Mother Mary, candles, a bible, books on prayer, and works of art that are meaningful to me. Its a little space carved out just for me and God.

Space. This the word that keeps coming to me as I enter into my sabbatical. I need some space. From work that I love and habits that have formed, both good and bad. Space for thinking, sleeping, for God to come.

Ironic then, how the first book I pull off of my shelf today is called Space for God. I think I'll take some time now (since I've finally figured out how to post a blog!) to dust off my prayer corner, and give God some space in my heart and head.


KaraJane said...

Yea!!!! The beginning of sabbatical! I hope that today will be FABULOUS! Maybe I will get a chance to come and visit you while you are sabbaticaling :) I will be praying for your space.

Jenny said...

Chloe! Looking forward to reading your thoughts this sabbatical.

I didn't know M&M now have a little brother??

Unknown said...

Good job on your blog Chloe! Hopefully you'll keep up with it better than I do mine. : )

Unknown said...

Sweet! Looking forward to seeing you take a much longed-for and well-deserved break. I can remember you thinking about a sabbatical back when I was at CMU... I will keep you in prayer as it finally comes to pass.