My Prayer Corner

My Prayer Corner
its not a shrine...just a reminder for prayer

About Me

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Monday, January 22, 2007

Day 15, Space for God?

Tomorrow I leave for my annual trek to the Bowlings' in Edmonton, Canada for skiing, playing with 18-mo. old boys, game playing, relaxing with friends, and general frolicking in the snow. I can't wait! (It'll be my first vacation on which I am not simply trying to catch up on sleep.)

This week I have been mostly cleaning out the cobwebs in my house and closets, getting some craft projects done (be forewarned...your Christmas gift is under construction...) Renovating an old white elephant gift, making magnetic paper dolls for Marie and Maya (shh, don't tell them), making cork boards from actual corks, and painting a spring decoration. These were the easy ones...the rest are a bit more complicated...which is probably why they have been sitting in my closet!

My other project was to make "space for God". My little corner for prayer is less cluttered and I bought a new small table for my coffee cup (gotta keep first things first!). As I was working on this space, I was reading in a book that "we...create a space to be aware of our relationship with God, so that we can be reminded that God makes a space for us and that we live continuously in God's gracious presence."

I am profoundly moved that God has made space for me. I wonder if He has a little "Chloe" corner at His place where He goes to commune with me...I wonder how that would be decorated? rubber ducks, probably. Maybe a hot pink racing bike? black and whites of Bono, perhaps. :) ha ha. A bit silly, but only a bit.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

I'm enjoying reading your thoughts! I'll be praying that this is a time full of rest and refreshment... you deserve it for all you've given!