My Prayer Corner

My Prayer Corner
its not a shrine...just a reminder for prayer

About Me

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Day 2, Not Much Sabbathing Happening Yet!

Who could get much rest or concentrated prayer done when there is this cuteness to contend with? This is William Michael, adopted baby #3 for the VanHaitsma clan. He came home yesterday after a long day of waiting for the "word" from the birth-mother.

At the hospital, Marie rushed in to tell me that in the baby's room there was a "lot of crying going on!". Birth-mom was crying, mom was crying, caseworkers crying...but God was overseeing that sorrow and joy.

As we were leaving the hospital, mom learned the difference between changing the girls' diapers and William's...the glasses were sprayed, the caseworker, the waiting room couch, floor, passers-by...ha ha ha.

Little Squirt, way to make your presence known!


KaraJane said...

Uh huh I soooo called that spraying!! Hahahahahahahaaa

Ellen said...

What a great way to start your sabbatical! Have fun playing with little William!

(What the heck is wrong with blogger? It won't let me log in w/ my Blogger ID, so I'm using my Google one... :P )

serina said...

He's so cute!