My Prayer Corner

My Prayer Corner
its not a shrine...just a reminder for prayer

About Me

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Breathing a Sigh of Relief...

I have really enjoyed studying Church history, the theology of the Trinity and theodicies, and the book of Amos. But, as I remember the activity of the past ten weeks I just feel tired. Of course, one of those weeks I was in MN for my dad's surgery and two weeks ago I was in bed with migraines and this week I had two finals and two term papers to begin and finish...So, all in all...finishing 3 grad school classes was quite a feat.

I was so giddy after I finished my last paper (which, btw, does identify black licorice as a product of the Fall -- just thought I would warn y'all) that one would think I completed my Master's. :) I love classes and I love learning and I love my professors. But, I am hoping my feat accomplishing days of sabbatical are over.

I am again pining for those first days of sabbatical where I lay in bed and read spiritual books. But now, I'd rather bike 50 miles in the beautiful weather and then read a book before the return trip. Which, is exactly what I will be doing next week while on vacation in Southern CA. I am thrilled to be visiting a bunch of Obie dobies before heading to Catalina for three days of "work" at InterVarsity's Campus By the Sea. (Of course, I may get put to much more real work than intended since much of the island burned down a few weeks ago. Bless God that our camp was largely untouched.)

I intend to bike every day, play with my friend Migum's baby, read books at the Fuller bookstore, and sip fruit smoothies by the ocean. Nice. I'll try not to get spoiled before I have to learn to endure life in a garbage dump in July. :)

Let's see, in the spirit of catching up, I also had my MRI done today -- the results of which I may not know for a while. I took some muscle relaxants in order to avoid a claustrophobia induced panic attack -- and it worked. I pretty much slept through the 80-minute ordeal, but something about the way they had me strapped in...I kept waking myself up from the echoes of my own snoring. ha ha ha. I don't snore. But I guess I do in MRI chambers....

I'll write more soon. Maybe my spiritual director tomorrow can help me sort out my thoughts on my academic life...

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